In The Eye of the Generational Storm: Eldest Daughters and their Resistant, Resilient MothersMy boomer mother told me recently that she had started therapy. I know, it’s a pretty big deal. I feel really proud of her but along with…Oct 15, 2022Oct 15, 2022
Therapist a Little Too Excited She Finally Made You CryI’ve been in therapy for over a year. Acing it, really. If therapy were an AP high school class I’d totally be snagging a 5. I was being…Oct 14, 2021Oct 14, 2021
Woman Earning Medical Degree So She Can Explain Chronic Condition to DoctorsCaitlin Garner, 28, of Springfield, VA never expected to start medical school in her late 20s. But after discovering that every medical…Apr 2, 2021Apr 2, 2021
Woman Committed to Fighting Fascism Not Confident She’s Been Spelling it CorrectlyLike everyone else in my liberal bubble, I watched the coup attempt by NHL reject lookalikes in horror. I don’t usually like to make…Jan 22, 2021Jan 22, 2021
Why I Turned Down a Christmas Engagement Because They’re Tacky AF, like, Honestly Brad?Every girl dreams of the moment when the love of her life gets down on one knee, professes his love and commitment, then pops THE question…Dec 11, 2020Dec 11, 2020
Woman who dressed as naughty nurse last year forced to become actual nurse this yearKarli Francis, 26, of Livingston, MT, did not expect to recycle last year’s Halloween costume into this year’s uniform. “I left the…Oct 30, 2020Oct 30, 2020
Introvert checks into rehab after speaking up on work call for the first timeIn a harrowing story out of Elmwood, NE, 27-year-old Lucy Dixon, a self-described “introverted introvert”, has checked herself into rehab…Oct 26, 2020Oct 26, 2020
Woman signals life is falling apart with dramatic new micro bangsStephanie Jubela, 28, of Raleigh, NC, released photographs Thursday of her shocking new haircut: micro bangs.Oct 16, 2020Oct 16, 2020