Introvert checks into rehab after speaking up on work call

Ms. Melrose
Oct 26, 2020


In a harrowing story out of Elmwood, NE, 27-year-old Lucy Dixon, a self-described “introverted introvert”, has checked herself into rehab after expressing her opinion without prompting on her company’s weekly staff call.

Dixon has not been seen in public since the incident in question but she released a statement via her neighbor, Verna Hester-Lewis, 81, that she “needed time and space to process what happened.”

“I didn’t even know there was someone in that unit,” said Hester-Lewis.

Co-workers have struggled to reach a consensus on what triggered Dixon’s breakdown. “She seemed fine to me. Her video was off, per usual,” said Dixon’s boss, Louisa Rikel, 48, Vice President of Systems Integration at We Are Definitely A Startup (WADS). “Then she came on screen and said she thought building a plugin would be more efficient. We all agreed, we thought it was a good idea.”

Dixon’s one friend, Baron Sulkin, 26 of Lincoln, NE, didn’t know Dixon was in rehab.

“We’ll go several months without seeing each other,” said Sulkin, “honestly I figured this was like 2017 when she moved to Thailand without telling anyone. Her family only figured it out because she got lost at an elephant sanctuary and CNN reported her as kidnapped.”

Dixon’s parents could not be reached for comment. Because they hid from us.

