Woman Committed to Fighting Fascism Not Confident She’s Been Spelling it Correctly

Ms. Melrose
2 min readJan 22, 2021


Like everyone else in my liberal bubble, I watched the coup attempt by NHL reject lookalikes in horror. I don’t usually like to make political posts on social media or get engaged in comment battles but this time, I couldn’t be silent.

After several hours of serving it to the Q-Anon quacks with spicy refutes of every single one of their nonsensical “arguments,” I realized, I don’t think I’ve been spelling ‘fascism’ correctly.

I mean, there’s a lot of ‘s’ and ‘c’ for such a short word, right? It’s not easy to sound out either. Can’t pull the old “WedNESday” trick, you know? I even tried to come up with a little ‘I’ before ‘e’ except after ‘c’ rhyme to help me remember but it’s no use. I have to ask Siri every time. The last time I asked she replied, “You wouldn’t be my first pick in the apocalypse.” Rude, Siri!

My question is, are all my super good arguments now void because I can’t confidently spell the thing I’m arguing against? So far none of my adversaries have picked up on it, but it just takes one “uhhh…it’s *fascism sweetie” and I’m done for.

I guess the alternative would be for me to stop worrying about this and actually get out there and fight fascism IRL. Shoot. Did I spell that right?

